Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Method Mayo Diet: Lose Weight Fast Methods

Slim body is the dream of almost all women and they will do a variety of ways to get into shape that desire. To reduce weight and get into shape, the most common ways is desirable women with a diet. Along with the increasing interest in diet, so this time varied diet is also available. The most popular method and is being widely discussed is how diet mayo. This kind of diet introduced since 2010 and offers a program that is a little different from most other diets, with the prohibition of eating salt diet during the program within 13 days. According to the research that has been done, the reason why this diet emphasizes the prohibition on the consumption of salt is due to the reduced amount of salt in the body, it will automatically eject the liquid causes the accumulation of fat.

Thus, slowly natural process in the body will lose weight by itself even in large enough quantities. For people who have been practicing how to diet mayo, they claimed within 13 days, they experienced a weight loss of about 6 to 8 kg. Seeing these very significant results, no wonder many women are keen to try it. Plus, this diet should only be done in one program. However, if before 13 days, you eat salt, then you must repeat the diet program from the beginning. Therefore, high consistency required for this program to be successful in accordance with the target.

As was mentioned earlier that in the diet mayo, salt is something that should be avoided. Instead, this diet strongly recommends culprit increasing consumption of vegetables and fruit for the body to get enough fiber to aid digestion. One thing to note is the food consumed should be steamed or baked and avoid cooking foods by frying to reduce the fat contained in the oil.

During the 13-day running of this program, a person must adjust his diet. Broadly speaking, the food consumed menu consists of various types of vegetables and fruits as well as vegetable protein. Within a day, three meals ie breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Beyond that time as much as possible not to consume additional food. The breakfast menu at how diet mayo in the form of tea or coffee with sugar but do not add the milk. For lunch and dinner each divided by the proportion of vegetables, fruit, and vegetable protein.

To maximize the program implementation mayo diet, one should also keep up with regular exercise that has a slim body shape still looks nice and tight. Such a review of how diet mayo. Hopefully this article provide useful information.

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